Sedation Dentistry Indianapolis & Greenfield, IN
Imagine not being afraid to go to the dentist.
Imagine being able to accomplish all of your dental care in one
appointment. This is what sedation dentistry can do for you. You’ll smile
with confidence and chew your food without pain. If you have postponed
dental work for years, sedation dentistry can change your life. Sedation
dentistry protocols have been used safely for over 30 years with millions
of dental procedures. Before starting any treatment, Dr. Van Le will review
your medical history and explain how sedation dentistry can work for you.
Together, you will decided what level of sedation will result in the most
comfort for you.
Oral Sedation
On the day of your appointment, a companion will take you
to the office, you’ll take an oral sedation pill, and then our experienced
clinical team members will make certain that you’re relaxed and
completely comfortable. Nitrous oxide may be administered to supplement the
effects of oral sedation. They will continue to monitor you very closely
while you’re sedated. Many patients have little or no memory of the
Nitrous Sedation
Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide can be
administered to ease the nerves and even to provide immediate pain
relief. No preparation is required, and the effects subside immediately
once the mask is removed. Nitrous can be used in conjunction with other oral
sedation methods to optimize your comfort level. If nitrous is the only
form of sedation you receive, you can drive yourself home and continue
activities as normal.
We understand your fear and want to help you maintain your oral health
and achieve the smile you desire.
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